The Birkett~Smith
Animal Sanctuary
The Birkett~Smith
Animal Sanctuary

We Have Moved:
SOS Waterlogged Woofa's! Drowning Sanctuary Launches Appeal...
Today we launch our fundraising for The BIG BUILD.....
It's a massive task, we have a lot of money to raise and we know it's not going to be easy but the weather this year has now made it imperative that we get it done and we get it done fast! The Sanctuary is currently waterlogged and we are barely managing to keep the animals dry....with the high winds and constant rain we are literally fighting to stay afloat! We are under 8 inches of water in some areas and the outside play areas for the dogs are now unusable. We are used to dealing with wintry conditions but this year has been horrendous, the wettest since records began. Our part of the country remains on Amber Flood Alert and we still have the rest of the winter to survive. This is the worst we have ever seen and we are busier than ever due to so many animals needing sanctuary.
We need your help! What ever you can spare will be greatly appreciated and every penny goes directly to helping the animals in our care. We need to weatherproof some existing buildings and rebuild nearly an acres worth of hamlet style housing onto one area of half acre raised concrete.
The bottom line is, we need to raise £100k in time to start the build when the weather improves.
The build costs comprise:
£45k for Groundwork's, Concreting and Drainage
£40k for 18 Purpose Built Pack and SOS Houses
£15k for Electrics, Heating and Second Fit.
The build will see all the dogs going undercover and any existing housing will be upgraded. We have 80 dogs to get under cover, c90 if we include temporary residents and we will be building an ISO unit, treatment room, wash room and all weather play areas. The build will also include top level security, heating and lighting and will also add a further 8 SOS Spaces bringing us up to 20 in all which will help so many dogs, now and in the years to come who would otherwise have nowhere left to go.
We have the acreage, the know how, the dedication and the passion....we now just need the funds but we simply can't do it without your help...we are a registered charity and boy do we need charity now. Please donate if you can and share our appeal so that we can continue to take animals into safety and welcome any fundraising ideas you may have so please contact us through our website, on facebook or at the address below.
The Sanctuary's PayPal is:
Cheques payable to: BSAS and posted to J Keys. 3 Templemans Ash, Bridport, Dorset. DT6 5NX. Bank Transfer to: Natwest, BSAS, 60-06-24/36564737.

One By One Until
There Are None...
Giving Sanctuary And Saving Lives....
I started the Birkett - Smith Animal Sanctuary a couple of years ago on my smallholding in Dorset and formalised as a registered Charity not long after.
We provide forever homes for domestic, farm and wildlife animals. Most have behavioural issues, are aggressive, old, disabled, human scared etc. So we basically take the animals that stand little or no chance of gaining homes let alone the security of a forever home.
Our 150 animals include dogs, cats, pigs, sheep, horses, all farm birds, emus, a seagull...the list goes on. We are one of the the very few UK sanctuaries that will take aggressive and fear aggressive dogs as we have a no kill policy full stop. We rehabillitate these animals as much as we can over time to enable them to enjoy their forever homes.
Due to the nature of the animals we have, their care can be intensive, timely and very costly.
All this takes time, money, volunteers and without our Birkett - Smith Family this would not be possible. So please join us with our auctions and projects as slowly one by one we will take in animals to safety.
Joy Keys

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For Us?
"If you have received love from an animal in your life then you are very lucky. Give back a little to this fantastic trust and see what YOU can do to make a huge difference. Love, shelter, healthcare and food. What an amazing gift you can give. Do it today. Thank you so much."
Helen Lloyd