Buy A Brick & Win BIG!
THE SOS BIG BUILD BRICK BONANZA IS HERE! £1.50 per ticket: £1.00 to The Sanctuary and 50p into a PRIZE FUND...every 1000 bricks sold...

News & Diaries For The Week
Mud, Mud, Glorious mud is all Joy has seen this week...the dogs are happy and dry indoors but the humans are all drowned rats and Joy has...

Morning everyone....exciting times ahead for the Sanctuary.. Click the image to see what we are up to.... #TheBigBuild...

And It's Only Tuesday!
With all these animals to care for you know it's going to be busy and as usual Joy is being superhuman...she has lots on today and the...

The Big Build!
THE NEXT PHASE (the big build): The sheer number of requests we have received for SOS spaces in such a short time is sad testament to the...

Play Area For The Woofa's & An Auction On The Go Ect..
Busy as always at The Sanctuary... The house woofas have another play area, the biggest one, being upgraded this Saturday and it will be...

Hello World!
Hello and welcome to our new website and the first ever Birkett-Smith Animal Sanctuary Blog! Here we will keep you updated on all the...