The Big Build!

THE NEXT PHASE (the big build):
The sheer number of requests we have received for SOS spaces in such a short time is sad testament to the over-breeding/throwaway attitude and abuse towards animals that has become more prevalent in the UK and the need for these spaces is more apparent than ever. We currently have many dogs waiting for a space but only have 12 SOS Haven's which are all full. So we are building again and making improvements to our existing facilities. At the moment the dogs live in hamlet style housing spread out over an acre. Our aim this year is to get all the dogs under cover in one state of the art sound and weatherproofed facility and provide another eight SOS Havens with a hardcore access road and all weather play areas. We will publish finalised plans and costs within the next couple of weeks but the build is estimated at £50,000....a lot of money but we are determined to do it. Seeing a dog relax into the safety of the sanctuary is our motivation and seeing the dogs thrive and become the loving creatures they were before society dealt them a rough hand is what drives us and seeing them safely into a forever home is what our dreams are made of. We hope that you will take this next exciting leg of our journey with us and give us your support...without you our road to helping these forgotten and unwanted animals would be almost impossible to tread. Please walk with us and help us hold the paws that need us the most x